First night: the night of the robber


falling night on summitA few hours before, we planned to make a small visit during night at the top, but still should be prepared a meal, our day was already well charged, and a climb in the dark does not tempt us. We wisely decide to prepare us a goodl meal and we are just ready of having a good and long night (so you tell!).

Little after fallen the night, towards 20h00, some people goes down from the south-eastern crater towards their 4x4 parked near. They come from the observatory of geophysics of Catania, and we invite them to drink a glass. Jean-Louis, who was already laying in his tent came out twisting itself (while remaining in his sleeping bag: it was already freezing) in order to take part in the conversation, or to drink a little vodka according to scandalmongers. It proved that Alain knew some of them, by Internet interposed (Boris Behncke ).

After this small drink, everyone takes refuge in its tent for the night. But the cold, altitude, wind in the fabric of tent and plastic bags prevent us from sleeping. Wind in plastic bags? Can be, but a night check reveals us the bags containing the meat spread out over 5 meters, and the good sicilian sausage disappeared! damn fox!Other noises still make us come out, and there, within a few meters, in the ray of the lamp sat... a fox! There is no vegetation, no life here, what makes such a fox coming so high? In fact, yes, there is life: we are there. In the early morning, we make the accounts: torn dustbin, flown away cereal bars (not the packing), chewed rucksack, and our dear disappeared sausage. The water bottles , partly frozen, did not interest it. Tomorrow evening, all will be inside the tent!

Average of period of sleep per anybody over the night: 40 min. A nap is planned for the day which comes...

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