Perfect timing

Lava fountain at south-east crater
(06 avril 2000)

Starring: Astrid, Bernard, Bruno, Christian, Jean-Louis, Luc, Valérie, Viviane and, as guest star, Il Mongibello!

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This time, we were eight, which is a change from our usual small groups. But for the rest, we don't change a winning process:
PIC0007s.jpg (16011 octets) Notre "minibus"

We land in Catania, little after noon, on wednesdayi 5th of april 2000 air temperature above 20°C. By luck, we could rent a car big enough for us and all the luggage. Here we are, heading for Nicolosi.

PIC0020s.jpg (19244 octets) We are in the village at 15h00, and we wait for the youth hostel and the 'supermercado' to open at 1600... Ad what could we do but eat some pasta and pizza while waiting?
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From every small street vith a view on the summit, we watch the snow-capped Etna: Will it wait? Had it blown up already? The snow on the cone suggests not...
As soon it is open, we prepare for a night in the YH, then go to the supermercado to buy things to eat up there (antipasti siciliani...) . Damn, all shops are closed this wednesday afternoon. We'll have to go shopping tomorrow morning, before we leave.

PIC0035s.jpg (21669 octets) After a night better than the ones we'll have, we take our breakfast at the excellent "Fratelli Vitale", run fast thru the supermarket Conad then... off we go!
PIC0038s.jpg (15838 octets) At Sapienza, everything seems all right, summit is clearing, cable car is working, and not too many tourists. We try to negotiate a one way ticket for the final part (bus 4X4), but no way; tourists are supposed to stay up there only 10 minutes. Finally we give up and pay the full price.
PIC0042s.jpg (18028 octets) After all this, we finally reach the bus terminal round 11h00, as the first brown ash/smoke rises. What a timing!
PIC0043s.jpg (16507 octets) We quickly climb the last few meters to the Torre del Filosofo. This is the front end of the last lava flows, which burned down the wooden hut of the mountain guides, and since then, the buses stop a little lower. They're right, they don't want to take any risks: less than two month ago, bombs where projected up to this building.
PIC0045s.jpg (21669 octets) We just sneak behind the building, and there we are: Perfect view, between lava blocs, ice cristals and blue sky, ready to watch and observe all the eruption. This one follows in every point the now classical sketch which is now repeating for more than two months, with an interval of a few hours to a few days.
PIC0049.jpg (20533 octets) Strombolian explosions are projecting bombs and ashes more and more frequently, to become quasi-continuous in less than fifteen minutes. The strong west wind blows the fire column to our right, and the big gray plume sprays its cinders towards Valle del Bove. The continuous sound of a powerful jet reactor goes with the lava fountain which heights up to hundred meters for more than fifteen minutes.
E04cends.jpg (14726 octets) Pulsating stronger and stronger, the height of the lava fountain increases, sometimes lost in the plume. But we can see bombs very high, probably twice the height of the cone, which is then 300-400 metres. The cone is now smoldering, due to lava bombs falling. The ice and the snow still covering the cone dissappear on the west flank also. 

Etna043.jpg (78362 octets)Etna044.jpg (52505 octets)Etna045.jpg (62615 octets)
The three pictures above were not taken with my digital camera. They were taken with traditional agentic camera. Click on the images to enlarge them.

PIC0057s.jpg (14097 octets) Fourty-five minutes after the start of the activity, pulsating jets become irregular, sometimes oriented towards west, projecting bombs on the Bocca Nuova flanks. The whole cone is now covered with brown ashes and smoke. The wind slows down, and the smoke becomes stronger.
PIC0063s.jpg (18225 octets) The lava fountain becomes smaller and irregular, the smoke is now more brown than grey. We proceed a bit further in the still warm lava to observe the end of the eruption and the last explosions.
It is over. We are thursday the 6th of april 2000, 13h05. Total duration of the event: one hour. We were quite lucky...
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Satisfied, Etna offers us some smoke rings...

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Last update of this site: 06 août 01